VertiMAC Sump Advisor Sump Pump Alarm and Control System with Vertical Pump Switch, Alarm Sensor, & Indoor Alarm Panel

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Item #:2000547
Manufacturer: Alderon
VertiMAC™ Sump Advisor™ Features
- Sump Advisor™ Indoor Alarm Panel
- VertiMAC™ Vertical Float Switch with integrated Sump Advisor™ Sensor
- 6' Alarm Panel Power Cord, 15' Sensor Cord
- LED Lights to indicate Power Supply, High Water Alarm, and Pump Run Status
- Alarm Test and Mute Button
- Alarm Auxiliary Contacts - To Connect Auto Dialer or External Light/Buzzer
- Pump Status Auxiliary Contacts - To Connect to ETM or Cycle Counter
- Audible Buzzer: 103 dB @ 10 feet
- 9 VDC Battery Backup (Battery Not Included)
- CSA Approved in US and Canada
- Alarm Panel Dimensions: 6'' T x 4'' W x 2'' D
- Three Year Warranty
VertiMAC™ Sump Advisor™ Operation
When the water level rises, the float pushes the actuator rod upward which activates the mechanism inside the pump switch housing and turns the sump pump on. The Sump Advisor™ sensor will send a signal to the alarm panel, activating the green pump run LED indicator and the pump run auxiliary contacts. If the water level continues to rise activating the high level alarm float on the Sump Advisor™ sensor, the red high sump LED indicator, buzzer, and alarm auxiliary contacts on the alarm panel will activate. Pressing the alarm silence button will silence the buzzer. When the water level recedes, the float lowers the actuator rod downward which deactivates the mechanism inside the pump switch and turns the sump pump off. When the alarm condition is cleared, the system will automatically reset itself for the next alarm cycle. To adjust the pump on/off differential, slide the rubber grommet up or down the actuator rod for the desired pumping range.