Alderon Pump Tracker Elasped Time Meter (120V Piggyback)
The Alderon Pump Tracker Elapsed Time Meter is the only field installable elapsed time meter. The Pump Tracker installs using a piggyback plug setup where the pump plugs into the Pump Tracker, the Pump Tracker plugs into the float, and the float plugs into the power supply. Adding an ETM to an existing system would normally require modifying or replacing a control panel. The Pump Tracker allows you to add these features anywhere in-line, eliminating the modifactions of an existing control panel.
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$99.00MSRP: $115.00
Item #:8060
Manufacturer: Alderon
- Field Installable
- Works with 120VAC pumps
- Works with piggyback float switches
- Accumulates up to 99,999 hours of pump operation
- Can be added to a well or septic system at any time.
- Install the Pump Tracker anywhere inline
- Three Year Warranty
Please note that this product will only work if the Pump Tracker can be installed in between the float switch and the pump. The Pump Tracker will not function correctly with a pump that has an integrated float switch as many sump pumps do.