Alderon Go2 Duplex Submersible Pump Control Panel (120/230V, 0-20FLA)
PrintThe Alderon Go2 Duplex Pump Control is designed to control and monitor pump station with two submersible pumps. The Go2 series panels include pump circuitry for two submersible pumps, built-in high water alarm, and 3 mechanical float switches for "OFF", "LEAD ON", and "LAG/ALARM" controls. A fourth float can be added to separate the "LAG" and "ALARM" functionality.
The Go2 panel utilizes a power relay instead of a motor contactor to turn the submersible pump on and off and includes a Hand/Off/Auto toggle switch for the pump.

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$879.00MSRP: $1210.00
Item #:2010538
Manufacturer: Alderon
Alderon Go2 Duplex Control Panel Features
- 120/230VAC, Single Phase, 0-20 FLA
- (3) Mechanical Floats w/ 20ft Cords for OFF, LEAD ON, LAG/ALARM Controls
- Fourth Float Optional to Separate LAG / ALARM functions
- Automatically Alternates the Pumps Each Cycle
- (2) Pump Circuit Breakers, Automatic Resettable Alarm and Control Fuse
- Two Power Inputs: 120/230V for Pump Power, 120V for Control Power
- Multi-Color LED Beacon: Green = Normal, Green Flash = Pump Run, Red Flash = High Water
- High decibel audible buzzer (100 dB)
- Status LEDs - Pump Run Indicator, Float Activated Indicator
- Float Out of Sequence Alarm - Automatically Detects a Faulty Float Switch
- Hand/Off/Auto toggle switch for each pump
- Alarm On/Test/Mute heavy duty toggle
- Power Relay (100,000 cycle rating)
- Auxiliary Dry Contracts - NO/NC
- Built-In Circuit Board Lightning and Surge Protection
- Color Coded Wiring, Field Wiring Terminal Strips
- NEMA 4X Rated Enclosure, UL 508A Listed
- Three Year Warranty
Alderon Go2 Duplex Control Panel Applications
- Sewage Pump/Lift Stations with Two Pumps
- Effluent Pump/Lift Stations with Two Pumps
- Monitors liquid levels and gives alarm for high water
- Automatically alternates pumps each cycle
- LAG ON functionality allows the secondary pump to come on in the event of primary pump failure