Ultra-Air Model 735 BLUE Septic Aerator - Alternative Replacement for Norweco Aerators
PrintThe Ultra-Air® Model 735 BLUE is a compatible alternative replacement septic tank shaft aerator for Norweco Singulair systems. The 735 Blue model has 14'' top brackets that are designed to fit a 12'' diameter opening. It is a complete compatible replacement for Norweco Singulair OEM model 96, model 960, model 206c, model 780, and other Norweco Singulair aerators. The Ultra-Air® Model 735 Blue is made 100% in the USA. The unit is brand new and comes with a Three Year Pro-Rated Limited Warranty!

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Item #:UA14B
Manufacturer: Septic Solutions
The Ultra-Air is an aftermarket replacement that has not been tested or approved by NSF as is required in some areas. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to check with their local regulatory authorities to ensure compliance.
The Ultra-Air Model 735 aerator is made 100% in the USA! The electric motors are made specially for Septic Solutions by Baldor Electric Motor Company in FT. Smith, Arkansas. The plastic parts are manufactured in Indiana from molds owned by Septic Solutions, Inc. The brackets are stamped, bent, and powder-coated right here in our hometown of Dieterich, Illinois. The shaft and brass couplings are also machined right here in our hometown of Dieterich, Illinois. The units are assembled, boxed, and shipped from here at our facility in Dieterich, Illinois. With the Ultra-Air Model 735 you are getting a quality product that has been completely manufactured and assembled from start to finish 100% in the USA!
The Ultra-Air® Model 735 is the only aftermarket product available with a Flood Resistant motor. The White Splash Flood Resistant unit uses the same Baldor 1/4 HP electric motor, but this motor is specially sealed and can withstand being submerged for intermittent periods of time. If you have issues with the system backing up due to an outlet being plugged or a failed submersible pump, we would recommend the Flood Resistant unit.
The Ultra-Air® Model 735 uses an eight-piece bracket system (4 top, 4 bottom) with no welds. Some units available on the market use a four-piece bracket system that includes spot welds that hold the bottom and top supports together. These spot welds create a weak point in the bracket system and can cause the brackets to fail over time when exposed to the high moisture tank environment and the constant vibration of the motor.
If the brackets fail, you would lose your motor in the bottom of your tank. Our bracket system contains zero welds and zero weak points and will not fail over time.
The Ultra-Air® Model 735 comes with a motor shield that includes a handle and a fresh air hose barb. The handle allows for easy installation and maintenance of your aerator. The air hose barb allows you to attach a hose from the top of the motor going out the vented lid in your tank to always ensure the motor is pulling fresh oxygen into your system. The specially designed handle will ensure that you can easily place your motor both in and out of the tank without damaging and potentially bending the shaft which would significantly reduce the life of your motor. The motor shield incorporated into the handle will also better protect the motor from the harsh environment found inside the tank. Many of the competitive brands do not have these very important features.
The Ultra-Air® Model 735 comes with a large 5'' suds restrictor. The suds restrictor is designed to set above the water level in the tank and prevent foam and suds from getting up into the electric motor. The 2'' - 3'' suds restrictor on other models available on the market are not adequate to truly protect the motor from foam and suds. The suds restrictor can also act as a high water alarm. If the water level gets above the suds restrictor, it will cause the motor to pull high amps and trip the reset in your control panel. This will signal an alarm and let you know there is an issue.
Our revolutionary Aerodynamic Aspirator performs true to OEM airflow specifications and requirements but provides nearly 25% reduction in drag on the motor. This leads to longer motor life and less electricity usage while not sacrificing performance.
The new aspirator design is extremely important. The 4-prong design promotes better stirring action and more oxygen diffusion in the tank. The longer prongs push air bubbles at a higher volume, deeper into the liquid waste, providing a much better aeration effect versus the "old-style" aspirator tips. The photo to the right shows the "old-style" (pictured left) next to the new Aerodynamic Aspirator (pictured right).
Without enough oxygen your aerobic system will not produce the high quality of effluent required in most States. This "older-style" of an aspirator was abandoned by the Original Equipment Manufacturers some 20 years ago due to its inability to draw enough oxygen into the system. A properly working system is important to our environment.
Below are some frequently asked questions about the Ultra-Air Model 735 Septic Aerator. If you have further questions, call our customer support staff toll free at 1-877-925-5132 or email sales@septicsolutions.com!
Septic Solutions offers Ultra-Air Model 735 BLUE and RED Models. What is the difference?
The Ultra-Air Model 735 BLUE is designed as a compatible alternative replacement aerator for Norweco Singulair systems. The BLUE units come with 14'' diameter top brackets and 11.5'' bottom brackets which fit the 12'' diameter motor opening of the Norweco Singulair brand aeration system.
The Ultra-Air Model 735 RED is designed as a compatible alternative replacement aerator for Jet Aeration systems. The RED units come with 12'' diameter top brackets and 9.5'' bottom brackets which fit the 10'' diameter motor opening of the Jet brand aeration system.
Both the RED and BLUE units come in either a standard motor or the White Splash flood resistant motor.
What is the difference between the Standard and Flood Resistant units?
The Standard unit uses a Baldor 1/4 HP electric motor. This motor is capable of running in the harsh environment of the septic tank, but it is not designed to ever be submerged in water.
The White Splash Flood Resistant unit uses the same Baldor 1/4 HP electric motor, but this motor is specially sealed and can withsand being submerged for intermittent periods of time. If you have issues with the system backing up due to an outlet being plugged or a failed submersible pump, we would recommend the Flood Resistant unit.
I have a Norweco Singulair. Will the Ultra-Air Model 735 BLUE work as a replacement?
The Ultra-Air Model 735 BLUE is a compatible replacement aerator for Norweco Singulair OEM Models 96, 960, 780, and 206C. The Ultra-Air Model 735 is compatible with all Norweco Singulair brand aeration systems, but it is not considered OEM equipment and has not been tested or approved by NSF for use on Norweco brand aeration systems.
Is the Ultra-Air Model 735 aerator an approved replacement?
The Ultra-Air Model 735 has not been tested or approved by NSF. Only OEM equipment can carry the original NSF approval. Because the Ultra-Air Model 735 is an aftermarket replacement, it cannot be tested or approved by NSF.
The specifications of the Ultra-Air Model 735 are comparable to that of the OEM equipment. See our Aerator Comparison Chart.
It is up to the purchaser to check with their local regulatory authorities as to if they will accept an equivalent compatible replacement aerator or require an OEM replacement aerator.
Does the Ultra-Air Model 735 come with a cord and plug?
Yes the Ultra-Air Model 735 motors have a 3 foot power cord with a standard 3 prong male plug.
Will the Ultra-Air Model 735 work with my existing control panel?
Yes, in fact a fully functional control panel is required! The motor itself does not have any type of overload protection, so this protections is provided by a 4-7 amp breaker in the control panel. If the water level in the tank reaches the 6 inch diameter suds restrictor located just below the motor or the motor gets debris wrapped around the shaft, it places an additional amperage load on the motor. That additional amperage causes the motor to trip the 4-7 amp breaker in the alarm panel.
A problem occurring in some systems that no longer have a functioning alarm to provide this necessary protection, is that without it the motor is operating directly from a normal 15 or 20 amp breaker. This can cause the motor to continue to run while submerged in water forcing the motor to turn the suds restrictor under water and further cause preventable damage to the motor.
If your alarm isn’t working Septic Solutions have replacement alarms here https://www.septicsolutions.com/septic-parts/septic-aerators/jet-replacement
Do you sell replacement parts for the Ultra-Air Model 735?
Yes. See our Replacement Motors page for motor only replacements and see our Replacement Parts page for available parts and components.
Should I run the Ultra-Air Model 735 continuously or on a timer?
We recommend that the Ultra-Air aerator run continuously. In general, the life of the motor is better and the system functions better is the aerator is running continusouly.
The main reason that motor life is better when the aerator in ran continously is condensation. When a motor is on a timer its heats up and cools down as it turns on and turns off. When the motor turns off and cools, condensations will build up in the motor and can cause it to fail prematurely.
The Three Year Limited Warranty is effective on all units purchased on or after 6-26-2017. Any units purchased before this date were sold with a One Year Limited Warranty
Norweco is a Registered Trademark of Norwalk Wastewater Equipment Company, Inc.
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Septic Solutions, Inc. purchased these Ultra-Air air pumps directly from Ultra-Air's authorized distributor. Septic Solutions, Inc. is offering these pumps and parts as alternative replacements that are comparable to your existing Jet aerator, Norweco aerator, or other Septic Tank aerator. The Ultra Air was not tested on an NSF Certified Aerobic system as is required in some areas. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to check with their local regulatory authorities to ensure compliance.